Session-3 Functions and String Manipulations

In the realm of data science and programming, efficiency and organization are paramount. It’s no different in the world of R, a versatile and widely-used programming language for data analysis. In this post, we’ll delve into the fundamental concepts of functions and string manipulations in R, shedding light on their immense importance in code organization and re usability.

Functions: The Building Blocks of R

At its core, R is all about data—manipulating it, analyzing it, and deriving meaningful insights. Functions are the workhorses that make this possible. Think of them as mini-programs within your code, designed to perform specific tasks. Whether you need to calculate statistical measures, generate plots, or transform data, functions are your go-to tools.

What makes functions truly indispensable is their ability to enhance code organization and reusability. By encapsulating a set of instructions into a function, you create a modular and self-contained unit. This modular approach simplifies debugging, testing, and maintenance. Instead of wading through lines of code, you can call the function whenever needed, making your code cleaner and more efficient.

Imagine you’re working on a complex data analysis project, and you need to calculate the mean, median, and standard deviation of multiple datasets. Without functions, you’d find yourself repeatedly writing and rewriting the same code. With functions, you create a function for these calculations once and use it wherever required. Not only does this save time, but it also reduces the risk of errors and inconsistencies.

String Manipulations: Unleashing the Power of Text

In the data-driven world, text data is ubiquitous. From parsing log files to cleaning up messy data, the ability to manipulate strings (text) is a crucial skill. R provides a rich set of functions for string manipulations, allowing you to extract, modify, and analyze text data effortlessly.

Consider a scenario where you’re dealing with a dataset containing customer names, but the names are inconsistently formatted. Some are in lowercase, others in uppercase, and some a mix of both. String manipulation functions in R, like tolower() and toupper(), enable you to standardize the formatting with a few lines of code. This consistency enhances data quality and ensures accurate analysis.

Functions and string manipulations in R are not just tools; they are strategic assets. They elevate your coding prowess by promoting organization, reusability, and efficiency. As you embark on your R programming journey, remember that mastering these fundamentals will pave the way for more advanced data analysis and coding adventures. So, embrace the power of functions and string manipulations—they’re the keys to unlocking R’s full potential.

3.1 Functions in R

Functions are the building blocks of any programming language, and R is no exception. In this section, we’ll explore what functions are, why they are essential, and the structure of a function in R. We’ll also provide examples of built-in functions in R to illustrate their usage.

3.2 What Are Functions?

A function in R is a self-contained block of code designed to perform a specific task. Functions take input, perform operations, and produce output. They are invaluable for code organization, reusability, and simplifying complex tasks.

3.3 Structure of a Function

In R, a function consists of the following components:

  • Function Name: This is the identifier for the function. It should be unique and descriptive of the function’s purpose.

  • Arguments: These are input values that the function operates on. Functions can have zero or more arguments, and their names and types are defined within parentheses.

  • Return Value: Functions can return a value as output. The return() statement is used to specify what the function should return. If a function doesn’t return anything, it defaults to returning NULL.

3.4 Built-In Functions in R

R comes with a rich set of built-in functions that cover a wide range of tasks. Let’s look at a few examples:

3.4.1 1. print()

The print() function is used to display output to the console. Here’s how to use it:

# Print a message
print("Hello, R!")
## [1] "Hello, R!"

3.4.2 2. sum()

The sum() function calculates the sum of numeric values. Here’s an example:

# Calculate the sum of numbers
total <- sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
## [1] 15

3.4.3 3. mean()

The mean() function computes the arithmetic mean of numeric values. Here’s how to use it:

# Calculate the mean of numbers
values <- c(10, 20, 30, 40, 50)
average <- mean(values)
## [1] 30

These are just a few examples of the many built-in functions in R. You can explore and utilize them to simplify your coding tasks and enhance your data analysis capabilities.

3.5 Creating Custom Functions in R

In this section, we’ll dive into the world of custom functions in R. Custom functions allow you to define your own operations and procedures, making your code more modular and reusable. We’ll cover the process of creating custom functions, the syntax for function definitions, and the use of return() to specify the function’s output.

3.5.1 Defining a Custom Function

To define a custom function in R, you follow a specific syntax. Here’s the basic structure:

function_name <- function(arg1, arg2, ...) {
  # Function body: Define the operations here
  # ...
  # Return a value using 'return()'
  • function_name: Choose a unique and descriptive name for your function.
  • arg1, arg2, …: Define the input arguments the function will accept.
  • Function body: Write the code that performs the desired operations within the function.
  • return(): Specify the output value that the function will return.


Write a custom Function to Calculate Square

# Define a custom function to calculate the square of a number
calculate_square <- function(x) {
  # Compute the square
  result <- x^2
  # Return the square

# Usage: Call the custom function
number <- 5
square_result <- calculate_square(number)
print(paste("The square of", number, "is", square_result))
## [1] "The square of 5 is 25"

In this example, we define the calculate_square function, which takes an argument x, computes its square, and returns the result. We then call the function with the number 5 and print the result.

3.5.2 Why Custom Functions?

Custom functions are invaluable for code organization and reusability. They encapsulate a set of instructions into a single, named entity, making your code more modular and easier to maintain. Instead of duplicating code for similar tasks, you can create functions and use them whenever needed, promoting efficient coding practices.

By creating custom functions, you can tailor R to your specific needs, simplifying complex operations and enhancing your data analysis capabilities.

In the next section, we’ll explore more advanced topics in custom functions and demonstrate their real-world applications. But before that its time for some tasks!

(a) Write a function called calculateRowMeans that uses a for loop to calculate the row means of a matrix x.

# calculateRowMeans computes the row means of a matrix x
# input: matrix x
# output: vector of length nrow(x) giving row means of x
calculateRowMeans <- function(x) {
  row.means <- numeric(nrow(x))
  for(i in 1:nrow(x)) {
    row.means[i] <- mean(x[i,])

(b) Try out your function on the random matrix defined below.

set.seed(12345) # Set seed of random number generator <- matrix(runif(800), nrow=25)
##  [1] 0.5339 0.6259 0.4966 0.5399 0.5049 0.5633 0.4687
##  [8] 0.4197 0.5274 0.4639 0.5473 0.5043 0.6170 0.4691
## [15] 0.4920 0.5841 0.6109 0.4879 0.5402 0.5224 0.5087
## [22] 0.4644 0.5251 0.4791 0.5795

(c) Use the apply() function to calculate the row means of the matrix

apply(, MARGIN=1, FUN=mean)
##  [1] 0.5339 0.6259 0.4966 0.5399 0.5049 0.5633 0.4687
##  [8] 0.4197 0.5274 0.4639 0.5473 0.5043 0.6170 0.4691
## [15] 0.4920 0.5841 0.6109 0.4879 0.5402 0.5224 0.5087
## [22] 0.4644 0.5251 0.4791 0.5795

(d) Compare this to the output of the rowMeans() function to check that your calculation is correct.

identical(calculateRowMeans(, apply(, MARGIN=1, FUN=mean))
## [1] TRUE

Task 1: Calculate Area of a Rectangle

Given length and breadth of rectangle calculate the area of rectangle.

# Task 1: Basic Custom Function
# Create a custom function to calculate the area of a rectangle

# Define the custom function
calculate_area <- function(length, width) {
  # Calculate the area
  area <- length * width
  # Return the area

# Test the function with different values
length1 <- 5
width1 <- 3
area1 <- calculate_area(length1, width1)
cat("The area of the rectangle with length", length1, "and width", width1, "is", area1, "\n")
## The area of the rectangle with length 5 and width 3 is 15
length2 <- 7
width2 <- 4.5
area2 <- calculate_area(length2, width2)
cat("The area of the rectangle with length", length2, "and width", width2, "is", area2, "\n")
## The area of the rectangle with length 7 and width 4.5 is 31.5

Task 2: Custom Function with Conditional Logic - Categorize Numbers

Given a number try to categorize the numbers to odd or even
# Task 2: Custom Function with Conditional Logic
# Create a custom function to categorize numbers as "even" or "odd"

# Define the custom function
categorize_number <- function(number) {
  # Check if the number is even or odd
  if (number %% 2 == 0) {
    category <- "even"
  } else {
    category <- "odd"
  # Return the category

# Test the function with different numbers
num1 <- 8
result1 <- categorize_number(num1)
cat(num1, "is", result1, "\n")
## 8 is even
num2 <- 15
result2 <- categorize_number(num2)
cat(num2, "is", result2, "\n")
## 15 is odd

Task 3: Custom Function with Loop - Check Palindrome

Given a string check if the string is a palindrome or not.

Instructions: - create a custom function is_palindrome that checks if a given string is a palindrome. - The function will ignore case (i.e., it’s case-insensitive) and return TRUE if the string is a palindrome and FALSE otherwise.
# Task 3: Custom Function with Loop
# Create a custom function to check if a given string is a palindrome

# Define the custom function
is_palindrome <- function(word) {
  # Convert the word to lowercase to make it case-insensitive
  word <- tolower(word)
  # Initialize variables for indexing
  start_index <- 1
  end_index <- nchar(word)
  # Iterate through the word to check for palindrome
  while (start_index < end_index) {
    if (substr(word, start_index, start_index) != substr(word, end_index, end_index)) {
      return(FALSE) # Not a palindrome
    # Move the indices towards the center
    start_index <- start_index + 1
    end_index <- end_index - 1
  return(TRUE) # It's a palindrome

# Test the function with different words
word1 <- "racecar"
result1 <- is_palindrome(word1)
cat("\"", word1, "\" is a palindrome: ", result1, "\n")
## " racecar " is a palindrome:  TRUE
word2 <- "hello"
result2 <- is_palindrome(word2)
cat("\"", word2, "\" is a palindrome: ", result2, "\n")
## " hello " is a palindrome:  FALSE

3.6 String Manipulations in R

We’ll explore the world of string manipulations in R. Understanding how to work with text data is crucial for various data analysis tasks. We’ll introduce the concept of string manipulations, discuss their importance, and highlight common string functions available in R.

String manipulations involve modifying and extracting information from text data. In data analysis, you often encounter text-based fields such as names, addresses, and descriptions. Properly handling and manipulating text data is essential for extracting insights and patterns.

3.7 Common String Functions in R

3.7.1 paste(): Concatenating Strings

The paste() function is used to concatenate strings together. It takes multiple strings as arguments and combines them.

# Concatenate two strings
result <- paste("Hello", "World")
## Hello World

3.7.2 substr(): Extracting Substrings

The substr() function allows you to extract a substring from a string. You specify the starting position and length of the substring.

# Extract a substring
text <- "Data Science"
substring <- substr(text, start = 1, stop = 4)
## Data

3.7.3 toupper() and tolower(): Changing Case

These functions are used to convert characters to uppercase or lowercase, respectively.

# Convert to uppercase
text <- "Hello"
uppercase_text <- toupper(text)

3.8 Hands-on exercises on Strings

Task-1: Reversing a String

Create a custom function that takes a string as input and returns the reverse of that string.

# Task 1: Reverse a String
# Create a function to reverse a given string

# Define the custom function
reverse_string <- function(input_string) {
  # Use the `rev()` function to reverse the string
  reversed <- paste(rev(strsplit(input_string, "")[[1]]), collapse = "")

# Test the function
original_string <- "hello"
reversed_string <- reverse_string(original_string)
cat("Original: ", original_string, "\n")
## Original:  hello
cat("Reversed: ", reversed_string, "\n")
## Reversed:  olleh

Task-2: Capitalize the First Letter

Create a custom function that capitalizes the first letter of each word in a given string.

# Task 3: Capitalize the First Letter
# Create a function to capitalize the first letter of each word

# Define the custom function
capitalize_first_letter <- function(input_string) {
  # Split the string into words
  words <- strsplit(input_string, " ")[[1]]
  # Capitalize the first letter of each word
  capitalized_words <- sapply(words, function(word) {
    paste(toupper(substr(word, 1, 1)), substr(word, 2, nchar(word)), sep = "")
  # Combine the capitalized words
  result <- paste(capitalized_words, collapse = " ")

# Test the function
sentence <- "this is a sample sentence"
capitalized_sentence <- capitalize_first_letter(sentence)
cat("Original: ", sentence, "\n")
## Original:  this is a sample sentence
cat("Capitalized: ", capitalized_sentence, "\n")
## Capitalized:  This Is A Sample Sentence

Task-3: Counting Occurrences

Create a custom function that counts the number of times a specific substring appears within a given text.

# Task 2: Counting Occurrences
# Create a function to count the occurrences of a substring in a text

# Define the custom function
count_occurrences <- function(text, substring) {
  # Use the `gregexpr()` function to find all occurrences of the substring
  matches <- gregexpr(substring, text)
  # Count the total number of matches
  count <- sum(sapply(matches, function(match) length(match[match > 0])))

# Test the function
sample_text <- "This is a sample text. The text contains sample content."
substring_to_count <- "sample"
occurrence_count <- count_occurrences(sample_text, substring_to_count)
cat("The substring \"", substring_to_count, "\" appears", occurrence_count, "times in the text.\n")
## The substring " sample " appears 2 times in the text.

Task 4: Remove Punctuation Given the text remove punctuations from it

# Custom function to remove punctuation from a text
remove_punctuation <- function(text) {
  # Use regular expression to remove punctuation
  cleaned_text <- gsub("[[:punct:]]", "", text)

# Test your function
text1 <- "Hello, world!"
cleaned1 <- remove_punctuation(text1)
cat("Original: ", text1, "\n")
## Original:  Hello, world!
cat("Cleaned: ", cleaned1, "\n")
## Cleaned:  Hello world
text2 <- "This is a sample sentence with commas, periods, and hyphens."
cleaned2 <- remove_punctuation(text2)
cat("Original: ", text2, "\n")
## Original:  This is a sample sentence with commas, periods, and hyphens.
cat("Cleaned: ", cleaned2, "\n")
## Cleaned:  This is a sample sentence with commas periods and hyphens

Task-5: Extract Email Addresses

Use Regex to indentify email Addresses

# Custom function to extract email addresses from a text
extract_emails <- function(text) {
  # Use regular expression to find email addresses
  pattern <- "\\b[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,}\\b"
  emails <- regmatches(text, gregexpr(pattern, text))

# Test your function
text1 <- "Contact us at or"
emails1 <- extract_emails(text1)
cat("Email Addresses:", emails1, "\n")
## Email Addresses:
text2 <- "Send inquiries to or"
emails2 <- extract_emails(text2)
cat("Email Addresses:", emails2, "\n")
## Email Addresses:

3.9 Quick Recap

We’ve delved into the essential topics of functions and string manipulations in R. Let’s quickly recap the key takeaways from our discussion:

Functions in R: We explored what functions are and why they are crucial in programming. Functions are like self-contained units of code that can take inputs, perform operations, and produce outputs. They enhance code organization and reusability.

Creating Custom Functions: We learned how to create our own custom functions in R. The syntax for defining functions involves specifying a function name, arguments, and using the return() statement to determine the function’s output.

String Manipulations: We discussed the significance of working with text data in data analysis. Common string functions in R, such as paste(), substr(), and toupper(), enable us to manipulate and analyze textual information effectively.

As you continue your journey in R programming, keep these key concepts in mind:

  • Functions are your allies for writing clean, organized, and reusable code.
  • Custom functions empower you to tailor solutions to your specific needs.
  • String manipulations are fundamental for working with text data, a common data format.
  • To further your expertise in R, I encourage you to explore more advanced topics and resources. There’s a wealth of knowledge waiting for you to uncover, from advanced functions to advanced string manipulations.